Friday 1 August 2014

Design Thinking

The term "design thinking" appears very often nowadays. People all around the world, especially designers, are talking about design thinking. As a professional product design company, we are also talking about design thinking. So, what is design thinking actually about? Some people might still have no idea on the term as yet. If you still do not know the term yet, it is not too late to know it now. Design thinking is basically about problem solving and producing human-centered design products.

It involves four main stages.

1. Determine the problem(s)

This is the most important process. It requires a group of people who are tasked to look for problems to solve. They are supposed to define the problems and revise them before the real creation of the design.
Design thinking in determining the problems requires lots of questioning on the product or design. "Why" and "how" are the words that will always use during the process, to find out all the issues that might occur in the future. By determining the problems, we can concentrate on solving the right problems with the right solutions, which explores our creativity.

2. Creating Options

Looking at a problem in many different ways or perspectives always gives us better and more results. Some problems may have obvious solutions, but bringing in different solutions allows designers to have more options and better creativity on the issues. Most designers are always solving problems in the same way every time, which might narrow down creativity. Therefore, the design thinking process suggests that better solutions will occur when more people or perspectives are involved.

3. Picking the right one

After the creation of options, it is important to choose the best option to carry on. There will be a chance of combining ideas to create the best idea. Therefore, one has to be careful when considering the explored ideas. Every new idea can be weak and fragile, thus, it is important to embrace a handful of potential results.

Optional Stage
Sometimes it is difficult to find the best solution on the first try. Hence, a repeat of step 2 and 3 is needed, in order to find the best answer.

4. Building the best idea

At this stage, it is the time to test your best idea by making a prototype. A prototype allows you to see the "hidden" or complex problems that were missed. It tells you if your idea is feasible. Therefore, making a prototype is extremely important before mass production.

Design thinking is suitable for all companies that are...
- Developing a new product
- Changing an existing product
- The improvement of innovation culture
- Expanding their product ideas

YHK Design Limited is a Professional Product Design & Manufacture Company that build product designs that are ready for manufacturing and provides sample/mass manufacturing.
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