Wednesday 5 November 2014

Industrial Design and Mechanical Design

Both industrial design (ID) and mechanical design (MD) falls into the process of product design development. In the current marketplace, ID and MD can be equally important.

Industrial Design (ID)
Industrial design begins at the very beginning of the development process. ID requires skills and knowledge of ergonomics and creativity. It is to create attractive, stylish, and innovative products at the end. The process of ID is from outside-in. The main objective is to take care of the user's vision experience by creating something attractive and user-friendly. Often, industry design creates problems to mechanical engineers if the design does not give enough room for the internal parts.

Mechanical Design (MD)
Mechanical design is mostly done by mechanical engineers, who take the inside-out approach during the product development. Their job is to create a product with real functionality and performance. Sometimes thermal and structure analyses are needed to predict the behavior of the product under different kinds of stress or environment. Most mechanical engineers are familiar with the manufacturing process. Therefore, they will be able to select the most suitable material and ways of manufacturing it. However, the engineer will not pay much attention to the appearance of the product, because they emphasize achieving functionality, not visual appearance.

In the current competitive marketplace, it is advised that both ID and MD be included into your product development. It is to make sure your product is well designed for the user and also cost efficient to manufacture. Having one product with only ID will have potential problems during the manufacturing process and delay your product launch. Products with only MD might not please your target audiences. Hence, it is better to have ID and MD at the beginning of the product development, in order to create an ultimate product style and performance for the target market.

Visit our company to find out more, YHK Design Limited, a product design and manufacture company.


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